Saturday, August 29, 2009

Updated Pochade

My new updated version now holds my panels safely with two lower brads and one upper eyescrew that I can just rotate to secure the panel or release it! No more big bulky clamps that I have to paint around and no more packing the wet panel with cork protectors in the corners because now I can just close the lid and the painting is secure to dry in the box! Ah, so much better. Plus, now instead of holding the palette, the palette fits on top of the lower lid of the box leaving room underneath to store my brushes. I put my spirits and paint in a separate cigar box and my tripods and paper towels in my tripod bag and I am ready to go. So much easier and so much quicker. The 6"x6" painting that I produce with this box are shown next to a fork for reference. They are very small.

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